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Cleats, Crampons, Kahtoola, Running, Winter -

Finding motivation It's dark, it's cold and it's not always easy to stay motivated! My little trick is to focus on the upside: - The fresh air that will energize me - The feeling of accomplishment - My overall wellbeing  And I do not put too much pressure on myself to keep up the pace. If the weather is terrible, I simply postpone and reduce the frequency. We have no choice but to adapt to our beautiful province of Quebec!   Avoiding injury Slipping on a patch of ice is the most common winter injury. Wear good running cleats such...

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While there are removable crampons for a variety of uses, from walking to mountaineering, to jogging on an icy trail, we've looked at two models of mountain hiking crampons.

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In the winter hiking models category, some are more suitable for running and others for walking. The same applies to the type of terrain: ice, hardened snow, with or without slope? Oh, surprise! Some models are literally all-purpose, not excelling in anything but doing well everywhere. Other factors to consider when buying a cleat: The ease of setting up and holding the harness on the shoe, aspects that become important during cold temperatures, because these make the elastomeric materials... less elastic. The harness should be of the right size to avoid uncomfortable pressure points and to ensure a firm hold...

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Kahtoola Microspikes vs Nanospikes The Kahtoola Microspikes are award-winning products that are great for the trail, great for hiking. We can get a little bit more technical as well. The Kahtoola Nanospikes are designed your icy runs on sidewalks during the winter, you’re walking your dog, you need a little bit more traction, this is really what these are for. They’re not nearly as aggressive as the Microspikes. So the real difference between these is if you wanna go on the road, if you wanna do a little bit more casual, urban type exercise during the winter, where you’re gonna...

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Kahtoola Nanospikes -

I am getting used to cold weather and snow. I trained out in the cold, the worst was Thursday, however the routine is installing itself. Today, I went running for 2 hours with my Kahtoola nanospikes Footwear Traction. I did a 30-minute warm up, 60-minute at a brisk pace and 30 minutes back to a state of calm. I spend a few more minutes warming up because in cold weather, we must let the temperature of our body increase before embarking on a more intensive training. The muscles, ligaments and tendons take a little longer to warm up. Oh yes, you...

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